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Taylor's Bespoke Silicon Group (BSG) Research Team

Fearless BSG leader Michael B. Taylor advises or co-advises (with equally fearless UW Professors Mark Oskin, Luis Ceze, Richard Shi, and Shyam Gollakota) a group of fantastic students, postdocs and visiting researchers on the BaseJump, HammerBlade, BlackParrot, RTML Automatic ML chip generation, GreenDroid, Security and ASIC Cloud projects.

Our mission is to bring hardware design to its highest art and rapidly conceive of, design and implement entirely new kinds of hardware faster than has ever been done before.

The byproducts of this process are:

Ideal Candidates for the Bespoke Silicon Group

raw chip logo  

The people that will succeed best in the Bespoke Silicon Group are those who love to build agressive but elegant systems and tune their performance or energy efficiency -- computers, compilers, graphics renderers, simulators, computers, neural networks, dynamic translation emulators, operating systems, boards, or even chips. They like coding or designing things, have done a lot of it, and know how to do solid, elegant designs, and don't mind explaining to others how to do it -- and maybe have worked at companies on software systems or chip design. They tend to have lots of little side projects and experiments that they have done outside of class. They might enjoy reverse-engineering things as well. Don't worry if you don't know all of these things; you will learn when you join the group!

Newsflash --   BSG is looking for elite graduate students, postdocs or undergraduate students who want to: See here for some guidance on some minimal prerequisites for collaborating.

BSG Valhalla: Fearless Graduates of The Bespoke Silicon Group

Newsflash: Two BSG veterans finished their tour of duty at Google and are CEO and CTO of a new startup, Moloco, in Silicon Valley, which is applying machine learning to apps on mobile. Donghwan and Ikkjin were key contributors to the San Diego Vision Benchmark suite, which integrated a number of machine learning techniques. They also explored aspects of machine learning applied to compiler, and comp arch. Moloco is now valued at > $1B.

Jack Sampson PhD    (Tenured Associate Professor, Penn State University)
Ganesh Venkatesh PhD   (Intel Research->Nvidia->Facebook)
Saturnino Garcia PhD (Tenured Associate Professor, University of San Diego)
Donghwan Jeon PhD (Google Seattle --> Moloco CTO)
Anshuman Gupta PhD (Google Mountain View)
Nathan GouldingPhD (Google, co-designer of Google Pixel Processor->Facebook Research)
Qiaoshi ZhengPhD (co- with NPU China)HiSilicon (Huawei''s Chip Division)
Moein KhazraeePhD (joint with Aaron Shulman) MIT postdoc -> Nvidia / Mellanox Research
Emily FurstPhD (with Mark Oskin) AMD Research
Dustin RichmondPostdoc Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz (Sept 2022)
Shaolin Xie Research Scientist (Alibaba USA)
Ikuo Magaki Visiting Researcher (Toshiba->Apple)
Vince Wu Postdoc (Taiwan)
Chun Zhao Postdoc (Huawei, 2021)
Xingyao ZhangPostdoc Google Research (2021)
Lakshmi SethideviGeorgia Tech MS Georgia Tech PhD program
Ikkjin Ahn MS(Google->Moloco CEO)
Gautam AkiwateMS (UCSD)
Brian ArnoldMS
Manish AroraUCSD PhDAMD
Joe AuricchioMS (Apple)
Nishant BhaskarMSUCSD PhD
Pulkit BhatnagarMS(Apple)
Vikram BhattMS(Synopsys)
Slavik Bryksin MS (Qualcomm)
Borna Ehsani MS (Apple)
Jeff Jia MS(Microsoft->Google)
Sravanthi Kota Venkata MS(Intel)
Chetan Ghokale MS (Nvidia)
Tavio Guarino MS (Astranis)
Kunal Gulati CMU ECE MS Program
Po-Chao Huang MS (Broadcomm->Google)
Derek Hines-Mohrman MS (Space X, 2023)
Jinseok Lee MS (Samsung)
Patrick Li MS (Intel)
Shanqing Li EPFL PhD Program, 2020
Songchun Li MS (ByteDance, 2021; Nvidia)
Katie Lim MS (UW)
Xiaochu Liu MS (Google)
Christopher LouieMS(Gazillion Entertainment)
Jose Lugo Martinez     MS (Indiana PhD Program)
Katherine Lumblad UW BS 2023
Shane Mainali BS (Microsoft)
Christopher Moghbel BS (Facebook)
Sripathi MuralitharanMS(SambaNova 2021)
Anoop MysoreMS(UW PhD 2023)
Richard ParkMS
Robert (Max) RamstadMS 2024
Scott RickettsMS(Nvidia / His Rap Group, Low Country Kingdom)
Adam Risoldi MS(IBM)
Neil Ryan UW PhD
Hyojin Sung MS (UIUC PhD Program, IBM)
Ningxiao Sun MS (China PhD)
Daniel Stufflebean MS (AMD)
Akash SureshMS(Intel 2023)
Enrico Tanuwidjaja BS(Berkeley)
Lingshu TangMSIntel, 2020
Shelby ThomasMSUCSD PhD
Leonard XiangMS 2021 Zhejiang University PhD in Physics
Shashank Vijaya RangaMS(SambaNova 2021)
Yang Yu MS 2015 (Project)
Ruxin Zhang MS 2015 (Project) Amazon
Yongqin WangBSUSC PhD Program
Shengye WangUCSD PhD -> Waymo

Taylor Team Milestones

June 2024Congrats to BSG on the acceptance of the HammerBlade ISCA 2024 paper!
June 2023Congrats to BSG members for the ASIC Clouds and the Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor paper being selected for the ISCA 50th retrospective.
May 2023An GeekWire article on some of Prof. Taylor's CHIPS Act fund raising activities.
May 2023Congrats to Max and the team for their recent ASPLOS paper "Beyond Static Parallel Loops"!
Jun 2023Congrats to Anoop Mysore and Akash Suresh for completing their UW EE master's! They contributed key projects to the BSG team and their names are immortalized in BSG Valhalla!
Mar 2023Congrats to Derek Hines-Mohrman for completing his UW EE master's! He contributed key projects to the BSG team, including an analog SKY130 tapeout, and being a rockstar TA for ECE 477. His name is immortalized in BSG Valhalla!
Sep 2022Congrats to Prof. Dustin Richmond for starting as an Assistant Prof. at UC Santa Cruz. He joins BSG alums Prof. Jack Sampson (at Penn State) and Prof. Saturnino Garcia (at U. San Diego) in the professoriate!
Oct 2021Congrats to Xingyao Zhang for finishing his postdoc with HammerBlade. Xingyao is headed to Google Research!
Sep 2021Congrats to Emily Furst for finishing her PhD on HammerBlade compilation. Emily is headed to AMD Research!
June 2021Congrats to Shashank and Sripathi for executing stellar MS theses. They are headed to the ML startup SambaNova!
May 2021Congratulations to Emily and Xingyao on their respective ISCA papers on GraphIt for HammerBlade and on LSTM optimization.
2020Huge Congrats to Nathan and Moein for completing their PhD's (the last two from UC San Diego)!
Winter 2019Our BaseJump STL is now being used as one of the standard tests for open source SystemVerilog parser implementations! See this link for a description, and this link for results. BaseJump is a nice balance of not being impossible but also pushing the envelope. We are excited to be part of the movement to push greater SystemVerilog standardization and use.
Summer 2019 Our ASIC Cloud paper was selected for ACM Highlights! On average, only two papers per year out of all of computer architecture are selected for ACM highlights .
July 2019 We taped out two chips -- the HammerBlade Open Source GPGPU chip, and the BlackParrot Open Source RISC-V Multicore -- in 12 nm Global Foundries Technology on the same day. These are going to be two of the most awesome chips ever taped out in academia. We are super excited to see silicon come back! To our knowledge we are the first university in the world to use this technology.
May 2018Released first version of Luis Vega's excellent Amazon F1 Accelerator Tutorial.
Sept 2017BSG has relocated its World HQ from San Diego to Seattle!
So long and thanks for the fish (tacos), San Diego!
Of course we have many great memories.
Aug 2017Our team presented the Celerity 16nm chip, which had 5 Linux-capable RISC-V cores, a manycore array of 496 cores, and a binarized neural network at Hotchips. This work was joint with Cornell and Michigan. Taylor BSG did the front-end design of the SoC (i.e. the RTL) with the exception of the neural network, which was done by Cornell. All three teams contributed to Backend physical design, with Michigan leading!

June 2017 The IEEE Micro 2017 Top Picks Issue ASIC Cloud Paper appears. If you haven't read one of our ASIC Cloud papers recently, read this one for a great overview!
April 2017 Moein remotely presents Moonwalk ASIC Cloud NRE paper at ASPLOS 2017.
Congrats Moein on a job well done!!
Feb 2017 ASIC Cloud paper selected for Top Picks!
Jan 2017 ASPLOS NRE and ASIC Cloud paper in on first shot!
Aug 2016 Taylor BSG has released the ROCC Doc V2, which describes the Berkeley Rocket ROCC interface. Great work, Anuj!
June 2016Group beer:
Mar 2016 ISCA paper is in on first shot!
ASIC Clouds are going to rock your world, folks.
Congrats, Ikuo, Moein, and Luis!
Jan 2016CGO BlackBox paper is accepted. Congrats Byron and Brian!
Sep 2015 Teaser video of DoubleTrouble v1 board talking over FMC by Luis.
May 2015 Lu passes his research exam with aplomb. Beer is consumed!
A proud tradition: everybody in Taylor group
has passed the CSE research exam on the first try.

Jan 2015 Double Trouble board comes back from assembly, and passes initial JTAG.
Nov 2014 Double Trouble PC Board arrives back from the fab!
We will use this to emulate our chips!

Schematic here.
Oct 2014 Welcome Ikuo and Shengye to Taylor BSG!
Aug 2014 Shelby Thomas, Enrico Tanuwidjaja, Gautam Akiwate, and Chetan Gohkale get their paper on CortexSuite into IISWC. Congrats guys!
June 2014 Our UCSD BGA package arrives back from the fab!
This thing is a scorching fast platform for our chips!
We are one of only several academic research groups in the US that has designed a BGA package in-house!

June 2014 Taylor serves on DAC 2014 panel on future of HW for computer vision, next to Andrew Ng!
April 2014 Taylor gives a talk at DATE 2014 on dark silicon!
Mar 2014 Qiaoshi's paper appears in TECS. Congratulations, Qiaoshi!
Dec 2013 Anshuman's paper gets into ISPASS 2014 -- way to go Anshuman!
Nov 2013 Taylor group has first annual Thanksgiving feast!
Sep 2013 New PhD students joining BSG: Welcome, Michael, Moein, and Xiaochu!
Sep 2013 Jack Sampson joins Penn State as an Assistant Professor, and Saturnino Garcia to join University of San Diego as an Assistant Professor!
Sep 2013 Ashuman successfully defended his thesis, bringing BSG PhDs to 5! Way to go Anshuman!
June 2013 Anshuman's paper on Dynamically Reconfigurable Static NUCA Caches accepted at ICCD! Way to go, Anshuman!
Oct 2012 CGO Paper on Vector Shadow Memory accepted!
April 2013 Anshuman's paper on Time Cube accepted at SAMOS! Way to go, Anshuman!
April 2012Anshuman wins best poster across our entire CSE department (best out of 38 posters) at the Jacobs School of Engineering Research Expo! Anshuman continues a group tradition started by DJ and Sat last year, when they won best poster (what are the odds?!). Way to go Anshuman!
Feb 2012Submit to the Dark Silicon Workshop, DaSi:
dasi banner by Apr 2.
Aug 2011GreenDroid QsCores paper accepted into MICRO! Congrats, Ganesh
June 2011NSF funds BSG to support prototyping efforts!
June 2011OOPSLA paper accepted! Congrats to DJ, Sat, and Chris!
May 2011FPL paper accepted! Congrats to Jack and Manish!
May 2011Our student, Dr. Ganesh Venkatesh, successfully defends his thesis against 5 UC professors! Ganesh will be joining Intel Research.
April 2011 Kremlin wins best Computer Science & Engineering poster
(out of 40 posters!) at the Jacobs School of Engineering Research Expo!
March 2011 Parkour paper accepted into HOTPAR. Awesome work DJ!
April 2011 Invited talk on Conservation Cores and GreenDroid at LCTES!
March 2011 C-cores for FPGAs paper accepted into FCCM. Way to go Manish!
Feb 2011 Kremlin paper accepted into PLDI!
Feb 2011 Kremlin wins best student poster in PPoPP 2011!
Nov 2010 HPCA paper on ECOcores (cores with Extreme CISC Operators) accepted.
Sept 2010 Dr. Swanson and I have minted our first PhD student: Dr Jack Sampson! Jack will be continuing with us as a postdoc so he can shephard some of his pending papers out to the presses!
Oct 2010 NSF funds BSG for $376K to attack issues in multicore programmability!
March 2010 Our student, Jack Sampson, gives an awesome talk on the Conservation Cores paper at ASPLOS!
March 2010 Our paper, Bridging the Parallelization Gap: Automating Parallelism Discovery and Planning, was accepted into HOTPAR 2010.
Oct 2009 BSG wunderkind Sravanthi Kota Venkata presents our IISWC paper on the San Diego Vision Benchmark Suite in Austin, TX.
Sept 2009 Awarded 150,000 hours of compute time on the San Diego Super Computer TRITON Cluster for the Photon manycore compiler project!
Sept 2009 Nathan Goulding, Jonathan Babb, and I recently pulled two all-nighters in a row and designed a low-power prototype chip, called the C-core I, which will be the basis for processor designs in future fabrication regimes in which energy is limited by the utilization wall.


CortexSuite, a benchmark for the emerging synthetic brain application (e.g. Machine Learning and Vision) domain, written in C.

It's available at cortexsuite.org.

The San Diego Vision Benchmark Suite, a benchmark for the vision application domain, written in MATLAB and clean C.

It's available at bsg.ai/vision.

Selected Publications
  1. Scalable, Programmable and Dense: The HammerBlade Open-Source RISC-V Manycore
    Dai Cheol Jung, Max Ruttenberg, Paul Gao, Scott Davidson, Daniel Petrisko, Kangli Li, Aditya K Kamath, Lin Cheng, Shaolin Xie, Peitian Pan, Zhongyuan Zhao, Zichao Yue, Bandhav Veluri, Sripathi Muralitharan, Adrian Sampson, Andrew Lumsdaine, Zhiru Zhang, Christopher Batten, Mark Oskin, Dustin Richmond, Michael Bedford Taylor
    in ISCA 2024 (pdf) (bib)

  2. RETROSPECTIVE: ASIC Clouds: Specializing the Datacenter
    by Michael Taylor
    in ISCA@50 Retrospective: 1996-2020, June 2023 (pdf)

  3. RETROSPECTIVE: Evaluation of the RAW Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams
    by Michael Taylor, David Wentzlaff, Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal
    in ISCA@50 Retrospective: 1996-2020, June 2023 (pdf)

  4. RISE: RISC-V SoC for En/Decryption Acceleration on the Edge for Homomorphic Encryption
    by Zahra Azad, Guowei Yang, Rashmi Agrawal, Daniel Petrisko, Michael Taylor and Ajay Joshi
    in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Volume 31, Issue 10, July 2023. (bib)

  5. Chiplet Cloud: Building AI Supercomputers for Serving Large Generative Models
    by Huwan Peng, Scott Davidson, Richard Shi, Shuaiwen Leon Song, Michael Taylor. July 2023.
    in arxiv.org (arxiv link)

  6. Beyond Static Parallel Loops: Supporting Dynamic Task Parallelism on Manycore Architectures with Software-Managed Scratchpad Memories
    Lin Cheng, Max Ruttenberg, Dai Cheol Jung, Dustin Richmond, Michael Taylor, Mark Oskin, and Christopher Batten.
    in ASPLOS 2023. (bib) (YouTube) (pdf).

  7. ProcessorFuzz: Processor Fuzzing with Control and Status Registers Guidance
    Sadullah Canakci, Chathura Rajapaksha, Leila Delshadtehrani, Anoop Nataraja, Michael Bedford Taylor, Manuel Egele, and Ajay Joshi.
    in HOST 2023. (bib) (pdf) Best Paper Award.

  8. NeuriCam: Key-Frame Video Super-Resolution and Colorization for IoT Cameras
    Bandhav Veluri and Collin Pernu and Ali Saffari and Joshua Smith and Michael Taylor and Shyam Gollakota
    in Mobicom 2023. (bib)(arxiv link)

  9. The BlackParrot BedRock Cache Coherence System
    Mark Wyse, Daniel Petrisko, Farzam Gilani, Yuan-Mao Chueh, Paul Gao, Dai Cheol Jung, Sripathi Muralitharan, Shashank Vijaya Ranga, Mark Oskin, and Michael Taylor.
    arxiv.org. November 2022.

  10. RACE: RISC-V SoC for En/decryption ACceleration on the Edge for Homomorphic Computation.
    Z. Azad, G. Yang, R. Agrawal, D. Petrisko, M. Taylor and A. Joshi.
    in ISLPED 2022. (bib)(pdf)

  11. A Tensor Processing Framework for CPU-Manycore Heterogeneous Systems.
    Lin Cheng, Peitian Pan, Zhongyuan Zhao, Krithik Ranjan, Jack Weber, Bandhav Veluri, Borna Ehsani, Max Ruttenberg, Dai Cheol Jung, Preslav Ivanov, Dustin Richmond, Michael Taylor, Zhiru Zhang, and Christopher Batten.
    In IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 41(6):1620–1635, June 2022. (bib)(pdf)

  12. DirectFuzz: Automated Test Generation for RTL Designs using Directed Graybox Fuzzing.
    Sadullah Canakci, Leila Delshadtehrani, Furkan Eris, Michael Bedford Taylor, Manuel Egele, and Ajay Joshi
    in DAC 2021. (pdf) (bib)

  13. Taming the Zoo: A Unified Graph Compiler Framework for Novel Architectures.
    Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Emily Furst, Victor Ying, Claire Hsu, Max Ruttenberg, Yunming Zhang, Tommy Jung, Dustin Richmond, Michael Taylor, Julian Shun, Mark Oskin, Daniel Sanchez, Saman Amarasinghe.
    in ISCA 2021. (pdf) (bib)

  14. η-LSTM: Co-Designing Highly-Efficient Large LSTM Training via Exploiting Memory-Saving and Architectural Design Opportunities.
    Xingyao Zhang, Haojun Xia, Donglin Zhuang, Hao Sun, Xin Fu, Michael Taylor, Shuaiwen Leon Song
    in ISCA 2021. (pdf) (pptx) (bib)

  15. Q-VR: System-Level Design for Future Mobile Collaborative Virtual Reality.
    Chenhao Xie, Xie Li, Yang Hu, Huwan Peng, Michael Taylor and Shuaiwen Leon Song.
    in ASPLOS 2021. (pdf) (bib)

  16. NoC Symbiosis.
    Daniel Petrisko, Chun Zhao, Scott Davidson, Paul Gao, Dustin Richmond and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    in NOCS 2020. (pdf) (pptx) (bib)

  17. Ruche Networks: Wire-Maximal, No-Fuss NoCs.
    Dai Cheol Jung, Scott Davidson, Chun Zhao, Dustin Richmond, Michael Bedford Taylor.
    in NOCS 2020. (pdf) (pptx) (bib)

  18. Your agile open source HW stinks (because it is not a system).
    Michael Bedford Taylor
    in ICCAD 2020. (pdf) (bib)

  19. ASIC Clouds: Specializing the Datacenter for Planet-Scale Applications. Michael Bedford Taylor, Luis Vega, Moein Khazraee, Ikuo Magaki, Scott Davidson, Dustin Richmond. In Communications of the ACM, July 2020. (pdf)(bib)

  20. BlackParrot: An Agile Open-Source RISC-V Multicore for Accelerator SoCs. Daniel Petrisko, Farzam gilani, Mark Wyse, Dai Cheol Jung, Scott Davidson, Paul Gao, Chun Zhao, Zahra Azad, Sadullah Canakci, Bandhav Veluri, Tavio Guarino, Ajay Joshi, Mark Oskin and Michael Bedford Taylor. In IEEE Micro, July/August 2020. (pdf)(bib)

  21. A 7.3 M Output Non-Zeros/J, 11.7 M Output Non-Zeros/GB Reconfigurable Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Accelerator. Dong-Hyeon Park, Subhankar Pal, Siying Feng, Paul Gao, Jielun Tan, Austin Rovinski, Shaolin Xie, Chun Zhao, Aprova Amarnath, Jonathan Beaumont, Kuan-Yu Chen, Chaitali Chakrabarti, Michael Bedford Taylor, Trevor Mudge, David Blauuw, Hun-Seok Kim, Ronald Dreslinski. In Journal of Solid State Circuits, April 2020. (pdf)(bib)

  22. Evaluating Celerity: A 16nm 695 Giga-RISC-V Instructions/s Manycore Processor with Synthesizeable PLL. Austin Rovinski, Chun Zhao, Khalid Al-Hawaj, Paul Gao, Shaolin Xie, Christopher Torng, Scott Davidson, Aporva Amarnath, Luis Vega, Bandhav Veluri, Anuj Rao, Tutu Ajayi, Julian Puscar, Steve Dai, Ritchie Zhao, Dustin Richmond, Zhiru Zhang, Ian Galton, Christopher Batten, Michael B. Taylor, Ronald G. Dreslinski. In IEEE Solid State Circuits Letters, December 2019. (pdf) (bib)

  23. Technical perspective: Bootstrapping a future of open source, specialized hardware. Communications of the ACM 62(16):78 (2019).

  24. A 7.3 M Output Non-Zeros/J Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Accelerator Using Memory Reconfiguration in 40 nm. Pal, D.-H. Park, S. Feng, P. Gao, J. Tan, A. Rovinski, S. Xie, C. Zhao, A. Amarnath, M. Taylor, T. Mudge, D. Blaauw, H.-S. Kim, R. Dreslinski, T. Wesley, J. Beaumont, K.-Y. Chen and C. Chakrabarti. In Symposium on VLSI Circuits, June 2019. (bib)

  25. A 1.4 GHz 695 Giga RISC-V Inst/s 496-core Manycore Processor with Mesh On-Chip Network and an All-Digital Synthesized PLL in 16nm CMOS.
    A. Rovinski, C. Zhao, K. Al-Hawaj, P. Gao, S. Xie, C. Torng, S. Davidson, A. Amarnath, L. Vega, B. Veluri, A. Rao, T. Ajayi, J. Puscar, S. Dai, R. Zhao, D. Richmond, Z. Zhang, I. Galton, C. Batten, M. B. Taylor and R. G. Dreslinski. In Symposium on VLSI Circuits, June 2019. (pdf) (bib)

  26. Extreme Datacenter Specialization for Planet-Scale Computing: ASIC Clouds.
    Shaolin Xie, Scott Davidson, Ikuo Magaki, Moein Khazraee, Luis Vega, Lu Zhang, Michael B. Taylor. In ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review, July 2018. (bib)

  27. The Celerity Open-Source 511-Core RISC-V Tiered Accelerator Fabric.
    by Scott Davidson, Shaolin Xie, Chris Torng, Khalid Al-Hawaj, Austin Rovinski, Tuto Ajayi, Luis Vega, Chun Zhao, Ritchie Zhao, Steve Dai, Aporva Amarnath, Bandhav Veluri, Paul Gao, Anuj Rao, Gai Liu, Rajesh K. Gupta, Zhiru Zhang, Ronald Dreslinski, Christopher Batten, Michael Bedford Taylor.
    IEEE Micro, March/April 2018. (pdf)(bib)

  28. BaseJump STL: SystemVerilog needs a Standard Template Library for Hardware Design.
    Michael B. Taylor.
    Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 2018. (pdf)(bib)(talk)

  29. Hiding Intermittent Information Leakage with Architectural Support for Blinking.
    by Alric Althoff, Joseph McMahan, Luis Vega, Scott Davidson, Timothy Sherwood, Michael Taylor, and Ryan Kastner.
    International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2018.(bib)(pdf)

  30. Open Source Hardware: Stone Soups and Not Stone Statues, Please.
    by Hadi Esmaeilzadeh and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    SIGARCH Computer Architecture Today, Dec 2017.(pdf)(bib)

  31. The Evolution of Bitcoin Hardware.
    This is a great overview of Bitcoin mining hardware evolution, a follow-on to Taylor's CASES 2013 paper, it updates that groundbreaking paper to 2017.
    Michael Bedford Taylor.
    IEEE Computer, Sept 2017.(pdf)(bib)

  32. Celerity: An Open Source 511-core RISC-V Tiered Accelerator Fabric.
    Ritchie Zhao, Chun Zhao, Shaolin Xie,Bandhav Veluri,Luis Vega, Christopher Torng, Ningxiao Sun, Austin Rovinski,Anuj Rao,Gai Liu,Paul Gao,Scott Davidson, Steve Dai, Aporva Amarnath, KhalidAl-Hawaj, Tutu Ajayi Christopher Batten, Ronald G. Dreslinski, Rajesh K.Gupta, Michael B.Taylor, Zhiru Zhang.
    Proceedings of the 7th RISC-V Workshop, Milpitas, CA. November 2017. (Slides)( Video)

  33. Celerity: An Open Source RISC-V Tiered Accelerator Fabric.
    This is an overview of our Tiered Accelerator Fabric architecture, and of a 511-core RISC-V implementation in 16 nm, including 5 Linux-capable RISC-V cores, 496-core RISC-V manycore, and a binarized neural network.
    Tutu Ajayi, Khalid Al-Hawaj, Aporva Amarnath, Steve Dai, Scott Davidson, Paul Gao, Gai Liu, Atieh Lotfi, Julian Puscar, Anuj Rao, Austin Rovinski, Loai Salem, Ningxiao Sun, Christopher Torng, Luis Vega, Bandhav Veluri, Xiaoyang Wang, Shaolin Xie, Chun Zhao, Ritchie Zhao, Christopher Batten, Ronald G. Dreslinski, Ian Galton, Rajesh K. Gupta, Patrick P. Mercier, Mani Srivastava, Michael Bedford Taylor and Zhiru Zhang.
    Proceedings of Hotchips, 2017. (pdf)(bib)

  34. Experiences Using the RISC-V Ecosystem to Design an Accelerator-Centric SoC in TSMC 16nm.
    Has more details on the open source code for Celerity.
    Proceedings of CARRV, October 2017. (pdf) (slides)

  35. RV-IOV: Tethering RISC-V Processors via Scalable I/O Virtualization
    Details on our I/O Virtualization system for Celerity and RISC-V.
    Luis Vega and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Proceedings of CARRV, October 2017. (pdf) (slides) (bib)

  36. Specializing a Planet's Computation: ASIC Clouds
    Read this to get a great overview of ASIC Clouds.
    Moein Khazraee, Luis Vega, Ikuo Magaki and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    IEEE Micro May/June 2017. (pdf)(bib)

  37. Moonwalk: NRE Optimization in ASIC Clouds or, accelerators will use old silicon
    Moein Khazraee, Lu Zhang, Luis Vega, and Michael Bedford Taylor, in ASPLOS 2017. (pdf) (ASPLOS 2017 talk) (bib) (talk).

  38. Geocomputers and the Commercial Borg
    Michael Bedford Taylor.
    SIGARCH Computer Architecture Today, Mar 2017.(pdf)(bib)

  39. ASIC Clouds: Specializing the Datacenter
    Ikuo Magaki, Moein Khazraee, Luis Vega Gutierrez, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2016. (pdf) (bib)

  40. CortexSuite: A Synthetic Brain Benchmark Suite
    Shelby Thomas, Chetan Gohkale, Enrico Tanuwidjaja, Tony Chong, David Lau, Saturnino Garcia, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), Oct 2014. (pdf) (bib)

  41. BlackBox: Lightweight Security Monitoring for COTS Binaries
    (with accepted artifact!)
    Byron Hawkins, Brian Demsky, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), February 2016. (pdf) (bib)

  42. A Runtime Approach to Security and Privacy
    Byron Hawkins, Brian Demsky, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    European Security and Privacy, March 2016. (pdf) (bib)

  43. A Landscape of the New Dark Silicon Design Regime
    Michael Taylor.
    IEEE Micro, Sep/Oct 2013. (pdf) (bib)

    Conference Presentations:
    Third Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems (E3S), October 2013. (pdf)(youtube)
    Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), April 2014. (pdf)

  44. Bitcoin and The Age of Bespoke Silicon
    Michael Bedford Taylor.
    International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), Sept 2013. (Talk) (Paper)(bib)

  45. Exploring Energy Scalability in Coprocessor-Dominated Architectures for Dark Silicon
    Qiaoshi Zheng, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Scott Ricketts,
    Steven Swanson, Michael Bedford Taylor, and Jack Sampson
    Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, March 2014. (paper) (bib)

  46. Quality Time: A Simple Online Technique for Quantifying Multicore Execution Efficiency
    Anshuman Gupta, Jack Sampson, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), March 2014. (pdf) (bib)

  47. DR-SNUCA: An Energy-Scalable Dynamically Partitioned Cache
    Anshuman Gupta, Jack Sampson, Michael B. Taylor.
    International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), October 2013. (Talk) (Paper)(bib)

  48. Time Cube: A Manycore Embedded Processor with Interference-Agnostic Progress Tracking
    Anshuman Gupta, Jack Sampson, Michael B. Taylor.
    International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), July 2013. (Talk) (Paper)(bib)

  49. Skadu: Efficient Vector Shadow Memories for Poly-Scopic Program Analysis
    Donghwan Jeon, Saturnino Garcia, and Michael B. Taylor.
    Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), February 2013. (Talk) (Paper)(bib)

  50. Is Dark Silicon Useful?
    Harnessing the Four Horsemen of the Coming Dark Silicon Apocalypse

    Michael B. Taylor
    Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 2012. (pdf) (bib) (slides).

    Also Presented at:
    ISCA's Dark Silicon Workshop (DaSi 2012)
    ICCAD's Workshop on Domain-Specific Multicore Computing (2012).

  51. The Kremlin Oracle for Sequential Code Parallelization
    Saturnino Garcia, Donghwan Jeon, Chris Louie, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    IEEE Micro, July/Aug 2012. (pdf) (bib)

  52. Sichrome: Mobile web browsing in Hardware to save Energy
    Vikram Bhatt, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Qiaoshi Zheng, Jack Sampson, Steve Swanson, and Michael B. Taylor.
    Dark Silicon Workshop, ISCA, 2012. (bib)

  53. GreenDroid: An Architecture for the Dark Silicon Age
    Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jack Sampson, Qiaoshi Zheng, Vikram Bhatt, Steven Swanson and Michael Bedford Taylor
    Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), February 2012. (pdf) (bib) (slides)

  54. QsCores: Trading Dark Silicon for Scalable Energy Efficiency with Quasi-Specific Cores
    Ganesh Venkatesh, John Sampson, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Sravanthi Kota Venkata, Michael Bedford Taylor, and Steven Swanson
    International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), December 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  55. Kismet: Parallel Speedup Estimates for Serial Programs
    Donghwan Jeon, Saturnino Garcia, Chris Louie, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), October 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  56. An Evaluation of Selective Depipelining for FPGA-based Energy-Reducing Irregular Code Coprocessors.
    Jack Sampson, Manish Arora, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Ganesh Venkatesh, Jonathan Babb, Vikram Bhatt, Michael Bedford Taylor and Steven Swanson.
    Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), September 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  57. The GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor: An Architecture for Silicon's Dark Future
    Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Saturnino Garcia, Joe Auricchio, Po-Chao Huang, Manish Arora, Siddhartha Nath, Jonathan Babb, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    IEEE Micro, March/April 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  58. Kremlin: Rebooting and Rethinking gprof for the Multicore Age
    (aka Automatic Parallelism Planning and Discovery with Kremlin)
    Saturnino Garcia, Donghwan Jeon, Chris Louie, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), June 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  59. Unifying manycore and FPGA processing with the RUSH Architecture
    Brandon Beresini, Scott Ricketts, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Software Systems (AHS-2011), June 2011. (pdf)

  60. Conservation Cores: Energy-Saving Coprocessors for Nasty Real World Code
    Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Saturnino Garcia, Manish Arora, Siddhartha Nath, Vikram Bhatt, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems (LCTES),
    Research Highlights, Invited Talks, April 2011. (pdf)

  61. Greendroid: Exploring the next evolution in smartphone application processors
    Steven Swanson and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Communications Magazine, IEEE 49(4):112 -119, April 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  62. Parkour: Parallel Speedup Estimates for Serial Programs
    Donghwan Jeon, Saturnino Garcia, Chris Louie, Michael Bedford Taylor.
    HOTPAR, June 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  63. Reducing the Energy Cost of Irregular Code Bases in Soft Processor Systems
    Manish Arora, Jack Sampson, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Jonathan Babb, Ganesh Venkatesh, Michael Bedford Taylor and Steven Swanson.
    Field Customizable Computing Machines (FCCM), May 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  64. Kremlin: Like gprof, but for Parallelization
    Donghwan Jeon, Saturnino Garcia, Chris Louie, Sravanthi Kota Venkata and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), February 2011. (pdf, poster pdf) (bib)

  65. Efficient Complex Operators for Irregular Codes
    Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Nathan Goulding-Hotta, Saturnino Garcia, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), February 2011. (pdf) (bib)

  66. Bridging the Parallelization Gap: Automating Parallelism Discovery and Planning,
    Saturnino Garcia, Donghwan Jeon, Chris Louie, Sravanthi Kota Venkata, Michael Bedford Taylor.
    HOTPAR, June 2010. (pdf) (bib)

  67. GreenDroid: A Mobile Application Processor for a Future of Dark Silicon
    Nathan Goulding, Jack Sampson, Ganesh Venkatesh, Saturnino Garcia, Joe Auricchio, Jonathan Babb, Michael Bedford Taylor and Steven Swanson.
    HOTCHIPS, August 2010. (pdf) (talk ppt) (bib)(youtube)

  68. Conservation Cores: Reducing the Energy of Mature Computations.
    Ganesh Venkatesh, John Sampson, Nathan Goulding, Saturnino Garcia, Slavik Bryskin, Jose Lugo-Martinez, Steven Swanson, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), March 2010. (pdf) (talk pdf, talk ppt) (bib)

  69. SD-VBS: The San Diego Vision Benchmark Suite.
    Sravanthi Kota Venkata, Ikkjin Ahn, Donghwan Jeon, Anshuman Gupta, Christopher Louie, Saturnino Garcia, Serge Belongie, and Michael Bedford Taylor.
    IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), October 2009. (pdf) (Download SD-VBS) (bib)

  70. Energy and Switch Area Optimizations for FPGA Global Routing Architectures
    Yi Zhu, Yuanfang Hu, Michael B. Taylor, and Chung-Kuan Cheng
    ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), January 2009. (pdf) (bib)

  71. Tiled Multicore Processors.
    Michael B. Taylor, Walter Lee, Jason E. Miller, David Wentzlaff, Ian Bratt, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffman, Paul R. Johnson, Jason S. Kim, James Psota, Arvind Saraf, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Matthew I. Frank, Saman Amarasinghe, and Anant Agarwal.
    in Multicore Processors and Systems, Springer,
    edited by Steve Keckler, Kunle Olukotun, and Peter Hofstee, 2009. (link)

  72. Advancing Supercomputer Performance Through Interconnection Topology Synthesis.
    Yi Zhu, Michael Taylor, Scott B. Baden and Chung-Kuan Cheng
    International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), November 2008. (pdf) (bib)

  73. Stream Multicore Processors.
    Michael B Taylor, Walter Lee, Jason Eric Miller, David Wentzlaff, Ian Bratt, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffmann, Paul Johnson, Jason Kim, James Psota, Arvind Saraf, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Matt Frank, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe, and Anant Agarwal.
    In Processor Design: System-on-chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs (hardcover)
    Edited by Jari Nurmi (Editor)
    , 2007. (link)

  74. FPGA Global Routing Architecture Optimization Using a Multicommodity Flow Approach.
    Y. Hu, Y. Zhu, M.B. Taylor, and C.K. Cheng.
    IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD), pp. 144-151, 2007. (pdf) (bib)

  75. Runtime checking for program verification.
    Karen Zee, Viktor Kuncak, Michael Taylor, and Martin Rinard.
    7th International Workshop, RV 2007, Vancouver, Canada, March 13, 2007, Revised Selected Papers.
    Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer Berlin, vol. 4839/2007, p. 202-213. (bib)

  76. Tiled Microprocessors.
    Michael B Taylor
    PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2007. (pdf) (bib)

  77. Scalar Operand Networks,
    by Michael B Taylor, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe, and Anant Agarwal.
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (Special Issue on On-chip Networks) (TPDS), February 2005. (pdf) (Appendix pdf) (bib)

  78. Deionizer: A Tool for Capturing and Embedding I/O Calls,
    by Michael Bedford Taylor.
    MIT-CSAIL-TR-2004-037; June 7, 2004. (pdf and ps)

  79. Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor:
    An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams

    by Michael B Taylor, Walter Lee, Jason Miller, David Wentzlaff, Ian Bratt, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffmann, Paul Johnson, Jason Kim, James Psota, Arvind Saraf, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Matt Frank, Saman Amarasinghe, and Anant Agarwal.
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2004. (pdf) (bib)

  80. Energy Characterization of a Tiled Architecture Processor with On-Chip Networks,
    by Jason Sungtae Kim, Michael B Taylor, Jason Miller, and David Wentzlaff.
    International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), August 2003. (pdf) (bib)
  81. Scalar Operand Networks:
    On-chip Interconnect for ILP in Partitioned Architectures
    by Michael B Taylor, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe, and Anant Agarwal.
    Proceedings of the International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), February 2003. (pdf) (bib)  

  82. A 16-issue multiple-program-counter microprocessor
    with point-to-point scalar operand network
    by Michael B Taylor, Jason Kim, Jason Miller, David Wentzlaff, Fae Ghodrat, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffman, Paul Johnson, Walter Lee, Arvind Saraf, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Saman Amarasinghe, and Anant Agarwal.
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), February 2003. (pdf) (bib)

  83. The Raw Microprocessor:
    A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General Purpose Programs
    by Michael B Taylor, Jason Kim, Jason Miller, David Wentzlaff, Fae Ghodrat, Ben Greenwald, Henry Hoffman, Jae-Wook Lee, Paul Johnson, Walter Lee, Albert Ma, Arvind Saraf, Mark Seneski, Nathan Shnidman, Volker Strumpen, Matt Frank, Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal.
    IEEE Micro, March/April 2002. (pdf) (bib)

  84. The Raw processor-a scalable 32-bit fabric for embedded and general purpose computing,
    by Taylor, MB and Kim, J and Miller, J and Ghodrat, F and Greenwald, B and Johnson, P and Lee, W and Ma, A and Shnidman, N and Strumpen, V et al.
    Hot Chips XIII, August 2001. (bib)

  85. Baring it all to Software: Raw Machines,
    by Elliot Waingold, Michael Taylor, Devabhaktuni Srikrishna, Vivek Sarkar, Walter Lee, Victor Lee, Jang Kim, Matthew Frank, Peter Finch, Rajeev Barua, Jonathan Babb, Saman Amarasinghe, and Anant Agarwal.
    IEEE Computer, September 1997, pp. 86-93.  (pdf) (bib)

  86. The Raw Compiler Project,
    by Anant Agarwal, Saman Amarasinghe, Rajeev Barua, Matthew Frank, Walter Lee, Vivek Sarkar, Devabhaktuni Srikrishna, and Michael Taylor.
    Proceedings of the Second SUIF Compiler Workshop, Stanford, CA, August 21-23, 1997.
    (pdf) (bib)
  87. The RAW Benchmark Suite: Computation Structures for General Purpose Computing ,
    by Jonathan Babb, Matthew Frank, Victor Lee, Elliot Waingold, Rajeev Barua, Michael Taylor, Jang Kim, Srikrishna Devabhaktuni, and Anant Agarwal.
    IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), Napa Valley, CA, April 1997.  (pdf) (bib)

  88. The Raw Specification
    by Michael B Taylor.
    Final Version (5.02). December 2005. (pdf)

Dissertations and Master's Theses

An Open Source Non-Blocking Manycore L2 Cache
Master's Thesis by Kangli Li, 2024.

Enabling Vector Load and Store Instructions on HammerBlade Architecture
Master's Thesis by Robert Ramstad, 2024.

A Research-Fertile Co-Emulation Framework for RISC-V Processor Verification
Master's Thesis by Anoop Mysore Nataraja, 2023. (bib)

A Complete Open Source Network Stack For BlackParrot
Master's Thesis by Yuan-Mao Chueh, 2022. (bib)

PhD Thesis by Emily Furst, 2021. (bib)

ParrotPiton and ZynqParrot: FPGA Enablements for the BlackParrot RISC-V Processor
Master's Thesis by Shashank Vijaya Ranga, 2021. (bib)

TinyParrot: An Integration-Optimized Linux-Capable Host Multicore
Master's Thesis by Sripathi Muralitharan, 2021. (bib)

Reducing the development cost of customized cloud infrastructure
PhD Dissertation by Moein Khazraee, 2020. (bib)

Specialization as a Candle in the Dark Silicon Regime
PhD Dissertation by Nathan Goulding-Hotta, 2020. (bib)

Caches for Complex Open Source System-on-Chip Designs
Master's Thesis by Dai Cheol Jung, 2019. (bib)

ArCuS: An Architecture for ASIC Cloud based Servers
Master's Thesis by Pulkit Bhatnagar, 2017. (bib)

Exploring Energy and Scalability in Coprocessor-Dominated Architectures for Dark Silicon Regime
PhD Dissertation by Qiaoshi Zheng, 2015. (bib)

Software and Hardware Techniques for Attacking the Multicore Interference Problem
PhD Dissertation, by Anshuman Gupta, 2013. (bib)

The Arsenal Tool Chain for the GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor
Master's Thesis, by Fei Jia, 2013. (bib)

Parallel Speedup Estimates for Serial Programs
PhD Dissertation, by Donghwan Jeon, 2012. (bib)

A Practical Oracle for Sequential Code Parallelization
PhD Dissertation, by Saturnino Garcia, 2012. (bib)

Configurable Energy-Efficient Co-processors to Scale the Utilization Wall
PhD Dissertation, by Ganesh Venkatesh, 2011. (bib)

Efficient Cache-Coherent Migration for Heterogeneous Coprocessors in Dark Silicon Limited Technology
Master's Thesis, by Scott Ricketts, 2011. (bib)

Design and Architecture of Automatically-generated Energy-reducing Coprocessors
PhD Dissertation, by John Sampson, 2010. (bib)

ASIC life extension through hardware patch interfaces
Master's Thesis, by Slavik Bryksin, 2009. (bib)

A Portable MATLAB Front-end for Tiled Microprocessors
Master's Thesis, by Hyojin Sung, 2009. (bib)

Genetic Compilation for Tiled Microprocessors
Master's Thesis, by Jin Seok Lee, 2007. (bib)

Master's Project Reports

Memory Prefetching for the GreenDroid Microprocessor
Master's Project, by David Curran, 2012.

Extending an on-chip mesh network off the chip
Master's Project, by Joe Auricchio, 2011.

Improving Hierarchical Critical Path Analysis Performance
Master's Project, by Chris Louie, 2011.


A tool for deionization, which enables application embedding and improved benchmark precision.


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